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Screenplay.S1E01: “Pilot”

A black screen is all that is shown to us to begin, but soon, a somber tone starts to rise, and with it, these words crawl in:


“It is not by our minds which men prevail, but our curiosity and ability to learn.”

Following these words, they fade out, and the title: THE NULLISH replaces them.

Cut To


We close in on a white young man, 19 year old EMANUEL ROBERTS, walking through a large garden. Above him, the strong winds of The Denfold, a vast desert, blow over the city of Haven Jewel, a colonial territory of the nation of Garn. 

Kneeling down, Emanuel brushes his hand over a crimson colored flower, swiping his pointer finger across its fragile pedals, putting his palm firmly on the soil. And for a quick moment, we see the world through his eyes, identifying every detail of the flower and what it desires. 


I know. 

We see Emanuel stand up again and continue walking through the garden. 


The Haven Jewel market is busy with noise and life. Merchants, spices, silks, and always Garnish troops patrolling the streets. Focusing towards a small shop on the bend, we push through the large crowds to find two people, Kawana (30 years old), a native, and Reece (52 years old), a Nolticman, handing out baked goods to customers. 


Where is he? I told him to be here. He has to start carrying his own weight. 


(Natively accented)

The gardens are hard work in this heat, my love. Don’t go on thinking he forgot. 


He better not have. I swear, I only adopted that boy so he’d give us an extra hand, and he can’t even do that! What’s he good for anyway except dragging me down? Better to let the Garnish have him I think. Stick him in their ranks and let him go fight the Remainers out in the desert. That way we’ll never hear from him again. 


That’s absurd, my dear. Doing that to a poor boy? Giving up on him like that?


Should’ve gave up on him a long time ago. To survive in this part of the world you need to be tough. Need to be willing to fight. Emanuel, curse that boy, doesn’t have that. 

The two are busied again by incoming customers. Panning across the market, we see Emanuel walking towards the shop. Peering into windows and greeting a few friends passing by, he makes his way into the bakery. 

INT. Bakery – Continuous


So? Let’s hear it. 


Hear what?


Maybe about why you’re late? Maybe about you being the lazy boy you are? Not helping your folks with the rush? Anything like that ring a bell in your head?


I already told you, Reece, the garden wing needs me till the sun dims over Te’ Darn. 


You think I don’t notice you staying late? Talking to the flowers? My son, huh? Talking to flowers? Disgraceful. 


Mind your words, Reece darling. Emanuel loves what he loves. 


And you watch your tongue, woman, before I shove it back in your throat! I swear, you two and your dreamworld, thinking everything is perfect. I got debts to pay the customers to serve! You think I give a Denfold about your gardening?


You hate me so much why don’t I just leave, huh? If I’m really that much of a burden to you. 


Believe me boy when I say the only reason I keep you around is cause I need you working! You stop working, you got no business being here. 


You boys have to settle down now! I won’t have you arguing in this place, not while there’s someone to serve. Now Emanuel, go to the back and change. Come out when you’re ready. And love, you come with me to the front now. They are hungry out there. 

Kawana forcefully separates the two, pushing Reece to the front.


(Walking backwards)

This isn’t over, Emanuel. You hear me? Don’t go on thinking this is over. I’m not raising no son who talks to a garden!

Emanuel goes through a door and into the back of the shop while Reece storms out to greet customers. Sighing, Kawana follows Emanuel, eventually meeting him. 


(Closing the door)

You know how he gets, Emanuel. You can’t expect him to be happy about this. 


(Grabbing a pile of folded clothes on a nearby table)

He’s never happy about anything I do! I see the way he looks at me! The way he scolds me! How do you put up with him?


Reece…is a tough man. But you must understand that’s the way he was raised. That’s the way things pass in the Denfold. I owe him everything. You do too, don’t you forget. 


More and more I’m starting to think he should’ve left me. He doesn’t understand that my life revolves around more than his petty wishes. 


I don’t think-


And you too! You say you owe him everything and he treats you like the dirt beneath his feet! One good deed isn’t enough to shroud an entire life of misery, Denfold or no. You can’t hand your life over to him for free like that. 

Freeze Frame

Once again, Emanuel somehow looks through the world with glistening clarity, identifying and closely inspecting Kawana. We see through his eyes her lips trembling, her fingers tapping, her breath unsteady. Time seems to slow down as the world alters around him, the tone shifting to an eerie but powerful stance.

EMANUEL (cont…)

(Seemingly possessed by the vision)

And even now you’re unsure. I see it. You try to hide it but I can see. You’re scared of what he’s willing to do to you…scared of what will become.



You know nothing, Emanuel Roberts. I’m only trying to help you! Don’t go on watching me like I’m some unpleased woman. Haunted by things you make up in your mind. 


(The vision state slowly fades out as he talks)

I’ve watched you for a long time. I’ve watched the way Reece looks at you. And we both know he only wants one thing-


That is it, Emanuel! You take your words and leave this place! I will not have some boy insult my life like this! Go! I said go!

Slightly tearing up, Emanuel angrily throws down the pile of clothes he was going to change into, as well as his satchel from the garden, and storms out. 

Silence engulfs the back room, and Kawana regrettably sits down, grabbing Emanuel’s satchel. 

KAWANA (cont…)


Emanuel Roberts. That boy needs to learn…or he’ll never survive in this world. 


We find ourselves across the world in Noltic Country, presented to the massive city of Parafir, of which is the cultural capital of the nation of Nulland. Entering the large dome structure, we find lavish gold and silver designs, a choir in the background chanting hollowed, angel-like tunes. Closing in around the five massive statues of worship in the main hall, we see a 21 year old white male, ELLIOT SHORE, praying to the mightiest of them. 



We see You, Great Ones of the Foundation, and we pray for You and Your return as faith provides. I ask humbly for You to grant Your powers onto one who is in dire need of life. May she find rest in Your kingdom soon enough but have her stay for longer, I beg of thee. Look at me, Great Ones, and see into my heart. Bless me with this gift and Your grand powers so I may cherish my time with those whom I love. Amen. 

Looking up at the face of the statue, Elliot stares longingly into its eyes, hearing a faint and deep voice from beyond comprehension, almost like it was speaking to him. This voice, evil yet just, grows louder and louder, until it is broken by the arrival of CARLO REIN, a 47 year old white male. Grabbing Elliot’s shoulder, he kneels down next to the young man. The two talk as others walk around and pray in the b.g.


Praying to the Five again, are we?


Just finished, in fact. It’s good to see you again, Carlo. 


And better to see you, Elliot Shore.

(Does a quick prayer to the mighty statue)

 I am glad to see you up on your feet after everything that’s happened. 


Do you bring word from my mother? Have you heard from her?


Last I heard she was departing from the Port of Null on the Director’s leave. Two days passed, if I remember. Although the road will be slow in her condition.


And her condition?


That I cannot say for certain. A sickness, yes, but a dire one at that. Some unknown bug they have yet to identify. 

(Shaking his head)

At her age in this weather, it will be a grueling recovery.

Two men dressed in thick, silky robes walk by the two, and Carlo silences himself, giving Elliot a questioning look.


Something troubling you?


It’s nothing, my lord. I just have a feeling the buzzards sense your danger. 


(Subtly alarmed)

Danger? Danger from who?


From what, you mean. Political danger is what I speak of. Your mother has the high honor of being a member of the Director’s cabinet…To many lords in Parafir, that title has temptation.


That’s absurd. Overthrow my family? Such things are forbidden.


So you think, my young lord, but those who seek power always find a way to obtain it. You must be vigilant. Every moment your mother grows weaker, others grow emboldened to replace her. When she arrives in this city, you must speak with her to assure your family stays in power.

The two stand up.


You speak as if she will surely die. No woman has a stronger will than my mother; Any sickness that dares challenge her can be beaten.


Sickness is not what I’m afraid of. No sickness known can do what it has done to a woman of such strength which you claim. She is weary, her mind more clouded by the day. Her skin is a faint yellow now, at least last I saw her. No sickness does that. Only poison comes to my mind.



Poison? No, that couldn’t be.


Couldn’t it? Politics in Nulland have always been about power. Your mother is loved by all, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a target.


Do people have no morality? She is an old woman, no harm to anybody.


You’d be surprised how far men would go to get what they want. I would tread carefully Elliot Shore. Trust runs thin in Parafir. 


And where will you go? Leaving me to the lions like this.


I go where I must, listen where I need to listen. But heed my words, young lord Shore: Find your mother when she arrives and do not leave her side. Time may wear thin between you, so make it last.

Carlo bows to Elliot and walks off, leaving Elliot alone in the hall. The boy looks up at the mighty statue once again.


Maybe one more prayer couldn’t hurt.

Elliot kneels down and begins to pray.

EXT. Cassoper Ranch (Forodin) – Evening

Traveling once more across Noltic Country, we find ourselves in the eastern lands in the territory of Forodin, a province of the Corros Empire. Panning across the large Cassoper Ranch, we see horses surrounding the area. Flies buzz around piles of farm feed, a small river rushes with water, and we see over fifty slaves, chained and starved, working to clear a field.


Keep working you slugs! This field needs clear before the morrow’s dawn!

As the ranger pushes around a couple slaves, we notice a symbol they all have on the back of their right shoulder.

Cut To

A young, tan man, 23 year old KANE, faces off with a large horse in a round pin. He clearly has that same symbol on his right shoulder as the slaves before him. We see an old man, Slave Master BARNEY, watching from afar outside the fence. The horse is rowdy, and attempts to charge at Kane, but he slides out of the way.


Whoa there, boy! Calm! Calm!

The horse charges at him again, but Kane dodges. Panning over to where Barney stands, another man, Lord RASHAD BAXTER, walks over to him.


At it again, huh?


Third one today. No one I know can get one Hiker Horse to settle, but this Gax can get multiple. He has a way with the beasts, tame them in an odd way I still don’t understand.


Eh, some people are born with such gifts.

Back inside the round pin, the horse charges and tries to buck kick Kane, but swiftly dodging it, the man jumps on the beast and wraps a makeshift harness around its head and neck.


Woah! Woah! Steady now!

Pinching its neck, Kane gets the horse to slow down to a stop.


And what’s he doing now? I’ve never seen that-


Shh! Just watch. It’s like magic.

Kane cautiously dismounts as the horse while holding its head, beginning to brush its mane and speaking to it in Tiin, the traditional eastern language.


(In Tinn)

Shh, my friend. No harm do you see before you. Long have been your travels from light to dark. Be silent, I command you, and return to us with peace.

Immediately after, the horse, breaking its dazed state, returns to its feet and remains quiet and calm.




It is astonishing every time I see it. Works on every Hiker Horse. Usually we have to bring riders in from the country to help us break them, but this Gax is far less expensive than a hoard of men.


I think I’d very much like to meet him.


Of course, my lord.

(Cupping his hands and taking a breath)

Gax! Over here with you!

Kane turns and jogs over to the two men standing outside the fence.


Your bidding, Slave Master?


Looks like someone’s finally noticing your knack for talent, ay boy?


(Stepping forward)

I am Lord Rashad Baxter of Corros.


A pleasure to meet you, my lord.


No, the pleasure is all mine. What you can do is, well, breathtaking, my friend. May I ask for your name?


Kane, my lord.


Kane. And your lineage?


Just Kane, my lord. I never knew my family.


Ah, I see. And you are a Gax I take it? How long have you been in service to this ranch?


I’ve been a slave all my life, my lord, but I’ve spent six years on this ranch if it pleases you. Before that, I traveled across the Lands of the Itomy for a time, and before that I could not say I recall.


(To Rashad)

We discovered his way with the beasts less than a year passed. Since then, I estimate he’s fielded more than two hundred horses for us single handedly.


Most impressive indeed. I will bring this good news to the Emperor himself and assure him that Corros will continue to have a steady flow of calvary for the war.

(Reaching over the fence to shake Kane’s hand)

And as for you, Kane, continue to serve this great nation with your talents. It was an honor meeting you. I envision we shall see each other again soon.


Alright, back to work Gax. Get that Hiker Horse to the stable and ask your ranger for another task.


Of course, Slave Master. It was an honor meeting you too, my lord Rashad.

Bowing his head, Kane jogs off towards the tamed horse. Both Rashad and Barney go on their way back down the road.


I must say, Slave Master Barney, your work here is quite impressive.


Thank you, my lord. It is my honor to serve the Corros Empire and supply her with only the finest of war horses.


Of course. But I do wonder, my friend, if this Gax may be of use elsewhere.


How do you mean?


The Emperor has made it clear as to my mission. I am to report on your progress, but I am also here to buy some of your slaves for his majesty’s hall. He is willing to pay a fine price for someone like Kane.


And how come I was not made aware of the Emperor’s wish?


He commanded me to remain silent on the matter. Corros is struggling to move and supply Gax since the war began. He felt it…embarrassing to ask for such assistance. But we come to you knowing you may give us the greatest of prospects.


Well…I would be honored to sell the Emperor slaves for his personal halls, but I’m afraid you have caught me rather unprepared. How many does he require?


Oh, around twenty if I do recall. Like I said, however, he is willing to pay handsomely.


Then I shall send word to my rangers, and we will retrieve our finest for the Emperor. 


Excellent. He will be pleased. And do add Kane to your ranks as well, that strong boy will be very useful for his majesty’s royal horse.



My lord, I…I will sell you my best, of course, but that one? That Gax is part of the reason we stay in good graces with the Emperor. Without him we may fall short on our deadlines.


(Stops and faces Barney)

Well if you wish to continue your positive relationships with the Emperor then I suggest you follow his command. I will receive twenty Gax by the morrow, and one of them must be Kane. That is all.

Rashad begins walking away again.


I am estranged by you referring to a slave by their given name.


They are human like us, Slave Master, might as well address them like one.

Cut To

Seeing the silhouettes of the two men pass over the slight ridge, Kane looks on with a feeling of sadness, before leading the horse towards the stables.

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