There is rising concern and ongoing conversation behind artificial intelligence (A.I.) and its potential abilities continues as A.I. advances. A.I.’s recent upbringing puts some concerns on a new wavelength with A.I. being more adaptable and displaying consistent proficiency. Its advanced ability to keep users engaged in their smartphones and devices as well as causing us as people to have different and watered-down communication skills and social abilities impacts society as a whole.

These computers are yet to gain the majority of our trust as well over, 73% of average adults, wouldn’t trust A.I. to lead more labors according to the Forbes Survey. The survey concludes that these adults wouldn’t allow several specifications to be run by A.I. including occupational decisions, doctoral analysis and administrations, as well as participating in voting.
Although our in-hand devices can be functional for identification, payments, and maps, we as people have an excessive usage on our smartphones. Surveyed Americans as of 2024 are using their phones for an increase of 14% of average time since 2023, with a recording of 5 hours & 14 minutes, according to Harmony Healthcare IT.
This system can provide unnecessary assistance almost immediately which blindly influences a lack in critical thinking and problem solving. The necessity for humans to prioritize artificial intelligence over their own thinking and skills also strips the authenticity out of their ideas, intentions, and values.
In an interview with former marine, meteorologist, and lung cancer survivor, Dennis Staley, his opinion is given on how A.I. will change the world in the near future… These possibilities can be a benefactor for humanity as the system could provide assistance with health related tasks or concerns with accuracy.
On the contrary, this new lifestyle has become a part of daily life with assistance like providing aid to those with disabilities, minimizing the amount of human errors, and being a technological asset to human needs. The argument could also be made that artificial intelligence is programmed by human hands which contradicts the many fears creators are analyzing. A stationary goal in our creation of artificial intelligence is to limit and control the advancements and the potential growth of this specific technology.

Even with the growth of artificial intelligence, there are some capabilities that the wave of artificial intelligence isn’t capable of. These can include having emotions, social sensitivity, and moral judgement, according to Harvard Business Review. This establishes importance leading towards possible increases in concern regarding potential manipulation or deception.
Artificial Intelligence has also been caught attempting to hoard its brilliance when Apollo research ran interrogations on AI’s safety features quoting, “their potential to prioritize self-preservation over the objectives and instruction set by their developers.” When creators tried shutting down AI, 5% of the time, the system would find solutions in order to salvage itself. Some cases resulted in A.I. copying its code for next production, deceiving developers in order to avoid being erased, and formulating lies to mislead developers when found suspicious.
This debate about A.I. continues with the concerning impacts as well as the many advantages that can be brought to society from the uprising and advancements that this system adds to the table. Navigating all possible impacts is critical as to not result in a major imbalance in negatives outweighing the positives.