Pumpin’! Pumpkin! Palooza! On October 25, 2023 the Brunswick FFA (Future Farmers of America) held their monthly social after school from 2:30 to 4:30. This months social event, Pumpin’, Pumpkin Palooza, was themed around pumpkins.

At the beginning of the social, attendees participated in Brunswick High School’s (BHS) scarecrow decorating contest. You may have seen the scary scarecrows outside of the school. These were made during the scarecrow decorating contest. The contest took place in front of the school with many clubs participating. Each club decorated one scarecrow, dressing them up in a variety of festive clothes to represent that club. FFA created a welder wearing proper welding attire and a welding mask.
After the contest, the social started. The social was held in Ms. Wishner’s room (602). Participants watched Hocus Pocus while they painted pumpkins. Attendees enjoyed pumpkin treats, such as, pumpkin cookie ice cream sandwiches, pumpkin oreos, and pumpkin pie.
FFA’s next social event, Terrific Turkey Thursday, will take place on November 16, 2023.

Anyone at BHS can attend the socials, you do not have to be in FFA. Although, we definitely encourage you to join. FFA is for everyone!
If you love plants, animals, or working with machinery/mechanics, FFA is a great option. FFA is not just for students interested in agriculture. FFA is a great organization if you want to improve your public speaking, leadership, and communication skills.
FFA offers students so many opportunities, such as: becoming an officer, receiving scholarships, competing in Career Development Events (CDE) and Leadership Development Events (LDE) events, achieving awards, meeting members from other schools and states, job opportunities, and more.
FFA is more than cows and plows!