March is Red Cross Month

Red Cross Month Is All About Emergency Awareness

Red Cross Member in action courtesy of Google Images

Red Cross Member in action courtesy of Google Images

Each year the President proclaims March as Red Cross Month which can give us an opportunity to honor and celebrate our everyday heroes who help us fulfill our everyday missions. Red Cross is a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief, and disaster preparedness education in the United States. Every eight minutes the American Red Cross brings help and hope to people in need. Red Cross Month has been around since 1943 when President Franklin D. Roosvelt issued the first Red Cross Month proclamation. 

They have a “Giving Day” which is March 23rd if you would like to donate. The link is on their website ( Some celebrities that support the Red Cross are Gwen Stefani, Britney Spears, James Conner, Eli Manning, Brad Paisley, and many more. There are seven fundamental principles of the global Red Cross network: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality.

Sharon Wilson talking to a American Red Cross member

A woman by the name of Sharon Wilson, looked out her window because she heard and saw the tornado warning beacon flashing and siren. She didn’t know exactly what to do so she took cover in her bathtub. She was lucky and made it through uninjured. Her house was one out of thousands of homes destroyed in this natural disaster. “The walls of my bedroom had collapsed, the roof was damaged, and rain was pouring in,” she said. In the aftermath of the tornado Sharon found water, food and a warm place to temporarily sleep nearby thanks to the Red Cross shelter. The stability and comfort she needed was only possible because of all the people who donate to the American Red Cross.

Red Cross Month is a time when we can honor people who help others in need and people who have donated to the red cross in any way.

For more information about Red Cross month visit: