Homecoming is an exciting dance that high school students look forward to each year. Homecoming brings together the whole school to celebrate the first home football game of the year. It is a great way to start off the school year, create lifelong memories, and have a lot of fun.

Students purchase tickets by signing a paper then returning it with the decided amount of money. Students have the option to bring a special guest that doesn’t go to Brunswick High School (BHS). This way, students can enjoy homecoming with whoever they want!
The first thing leading up to the homecoming dance is spirit week. Spirit week is where each day of the week there is a certain theme that the students can dress to be festive. For example, color wars is where each grade dresses in a different color. Whichever grade wears the most of that color wins.
Another spirit day is country versus country club where underclassmen (9th and 10th graders) will dress as country and upperclassmen (11th and 12th graders) dress as country club. For country, students wear flannels and cowboy hats, but for country club, some wear nice skirts or dress pants.
Leading up to the event is homecoming court where students can vote for a girl and boy that they want to win. Each student has to vote for someone in their grade. For seniors there are five girls and five boys that get homecoming court. The rest of the grades vote for one girl and one boy. Eventually, the people who won get announced at the homecoming football game.
The day of the big game the school hosts the pep rally. For the pep rally, classes will end early, so everyone can watch or participate in the pep rally. The pep rally is an event where everyone goes to the gym and participates in mini games. These activities may include musical chairs, tug-o-war, a dance with the cheer/poms squad, and students versus teachers basketball.

At the end of the day, there is the homecoming football game. What makes it special and different from the other football games? It’s different because it is not just about the football game itself, but about showing your school spirit and having a great time! For the homecoming game there are more people than just the usual attendees.
During the homecoming football game, they will announce the homecoming court and reveal the homecoming king and queen. Then the football players will play and everyone will watch, take pictures, buy concessions, and have a good time.
Finally, the homecoming dance. The dance takes place on the weekend, at night, and lasts till 10 PM. There are decorations, cookies/treats, photo spots, and people everywhere, to really tie the night together. There is also a DJ that plays popular, exciting music for the students to dance to!
Closer to the end of the night, the homecoming court will yet again be announced. But this time, they will get to share a special moment in the middle of the floor for a slow dance. Soon everyone will go back to dancing as the night comes to an end.